Family Resources » First Grade Readiness Guide

First Grade Readiness Guide

Ready for 1st Grade?
Your child is ready to make the leap from Kindergarten to First Grade! This is a big, exciting transition, and we're here to help. Below are resources, links, and tools you can use to help make sure your child is set up for success as a First Grader. 

Self Care Skills


  • Clean your own personal space (learn by helping around the house!).
  • Use the restroom and fasten all clothing items independently.
  • Pack your backpack, open all lunch containers (juice boxes, etc) independently.
  • Put papers into a folder and put the folder into your backpack independently.
  • How To: Tie Your Shoes.
 Social Emotional Skills
  • Follow the social rules of conversation by listening and taking turns talking.
  • Participate in shared reading and writing activities (for example, the teacher reads a big picture book aloud and students take turns sharing ideas about it).
  • be willing to receive feedback and then try to adjust for improvement.
  • participate in games with partners or small groups without much prompting (playing catch, jumping rope, imaginative games).
  • In many situations, demonstrate a willingness to adjust behavior to resolve conflicts prior to asking for help from an adult.



Reading Skills
Writing Skills
Mathematics Skills
  • Recognize and write numbers up to 100.
  • Skip Count” by fives and 10s to 100.
  • Recognize that addition means putting two groups together and that subtraction means taking away from one group.
  • Mentally add numbers to 10.
  • Add and subtract within 20 using objects or drawings. 
  • Recognize shapes .
  • Identify, describe, and reproduce patterns with numbers, shapes, colors, movements, or words.
Fine Motor Skills
  • Outline a shape/image with precision.
Gross Motor Skills
  • Run, hop, jump, leap, slide, gallop, and skip.
  • Combine two locomotor movements to form a pattern (skip, skip, jump, jump, repeat).
  • Perform kicking, striking, throwing and catching patterns in a simple fluid environment (a throwing and catching game or a kicking game).
  • Put together simple tumbling patterns that involve weight shift, rolling, and flight (hop, hop, hop, somersault, run and leap).
  • Move to a simple rhythmic beat while recognizing the pattern.